Friday, January 22, 2010

How to control Blood Pressure?

My BP was just 120/75 in 3 month back.from last month i am taking thyroid medicine bcoz it is in border line.i have migrane too. last monday i had a sever headache and then bomitting .i checked my BP it was 150/100.then next morning it was 140/90 .again 2 days next it is 150/90I am only 29 years female.i am now scared .pls advice how to control it .i dont want to take medicine daily from this 29th yr.pls give me sugg.......pls.....How to control Blood Pressure?
You can help control your blood pressure with a low fat, low sodium diet and exercise. If you have hypothyroidism, this can cause an increase in your diastolic pressure or the low number. Most times hormone replacement returns this to normal. But since your history is vague, and hypertension can be caused by many other things your best bet is to go to the doc. If your blood pressure is consistently this high, the least of your worries could be taking a pill each day. It's the silent killer.How to control Blood Pressure?
Consult your doctor. You have not stated which medicines you are taking. Thyroid disorders, heart disease and hypertension are all interconnected.

Eat a healthy diet.

Take a Omega-2 vitamin everyday.

Also..make sure you are keeping an eye on your blood pressure. Does it run in your family? It does in mine. I work out, I am a vegetarian and I eat very healthy and I still have high blood pressure and have to take medicine for it (it sucks bigtime because I am only 30 and I have been on the medicine for something like 5 years..but it HELPS). Check in with your doc and see what advice she/he gives you.

All the best to you!!
Blood pressure refers to the pressure created when blood is pumped by the heart into the circulatory system i.e. through arteries. When this pressure stays elevated for some time it's called as High blood pressure. The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension.

The most reliable way to monitor blood pressure is directly within an artery, but as this method involves direct invasion it is not recommended for routine check ups.

The other way to monitor blood pressure is with the use of various instruments which include use of mercury or a pressure registering equipment, these products are readily available in the market and can easily used by individuals without a doctors assistance.

But it's known that prevention is better than cure and here are a few ways to control blood pressure:

Check your weight: appropriate weight refers to ones weight in accordance to ones height and age. One can check the normal weight for an individual and therein decide how much he/she is under/over weight. If weight is needed to be reduced then measures should be taken like exercise, diet etc.

Physical activity: every individual should engage in physical activity for 30 minutes everyday. A few effective physical activities are walking, jogging etc.. other than this one should combine every day activities with moderate level sporting activities like playing volleyball or may be cycling, or jogging

Have a healthy eating plan: to control blood pressure diet is very important a healthy eating plan will include food which is low on saturated fat, total fat and cholesterol and would be high in fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products.

Lower contain of sodium in food: it's an effective measure to control blood pressure in eating plan use of salt and other sodium rich products must be reduced and in order to add flavor one can use onions, garlic and spices.

Alcohol discipline: alcohol not only increases blood pressure but also adds on to the calorie intake. So its prescribed to consume alcohol in moderate amounts may be 1 drink a day for women and 2 for men.

Follow your prescription religiously: if one has been prescribed to intake drugs as a measure to control blood pressure by a doctor the individual should follow the schedule without failure. The manner in which it is to be consumed and the time and quantity advised should be taken care of and must be followed religiously as health is the only god gifted wealth.

Just remember a few precautions can help you be healthy and lead a good life!!
The best advice anyone is going to give you is to talk to your doctor. Uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to a heart attack or a stroke and as someone that has had a heart attack I can tell you they aren't fun. Explain everything you feel to your doctor and trust him/her to advise you on what is best.

**side note** This is going to sound silly but it has been studied . Petting a cat can lower your blood pressure and many people with high blood pressure are advised to have them as pets.
Hi. First of all increased blood pressure occurs mainly due to two main reasons. One is increased blood volume and the other is the clogging or narrowing of the arteries and vessels. You need to have a lifestyle modification. reduce salt intake in the food. Avoid oily foods. Exercise regularly. Go and consult with your doctor about your condition. Intake more water.

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