Friday, May 14, 2010

Where can I find a Toro lawn sprinkler controller that is controlled by water pressure instead of low voltage?

The system was installed around 1976, and has worked great. My problem is the zone dial has a hair line crack and is leaking water. I do not want to go electric, because I have no idea where the valves are at with out digging up the yard.Where can I find a Toro lawn sprinkler controller that is controlled by water pressure instead of low voltage?
I am not sure what you want - anything that is pressure-activated would seem to defeat the purpose of your timer, unless you are suggesting a low-pressure cut-off?

But you have several options to control water-flow if that is the only issue and if the zone dial cannot be repaired. We keep four of the units listed below that allow us to pretty much custom-program our soaker hoses for their location, type of plantings, length of hose and time of day. We stagger them so not more than one runs at any given time and they operate irrespective of pressure and load. Replace the one 9V battery each year and you are done. There is also a manual on/off option if needed.

Similar units exist for hard-plumbing directly into the feed line, or one of these may be installed with the correct fittings if you are operating a central irrigation system.

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