Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My blood pressure is out of control. Want to try alternative to prescription meds, in addition too.?

Yes...use meditation for blood pressure it works will have different effects based on your severity..and commitmentMy blood pressure is out of control. Want to try alternative to prescription meds, in addition too.?
Of course diet and exercise should be the first avenue to choose. It depends on how high your numbers are if over borderline Systolic over 140 and diastyloic over 90 you may want to get started on mds supervision we have a free chart here,鈥?/a>

We have also had many people tell us about a basically organic product called LimuPlus that has helped with both pressure and sugar control. You can read some of their testimonies here .My blood pressure is out of control. Want to try alternative to prescription meds, in addition too.?
First of all, cut out ALL salt from your diet.

Life Extension Foundation Recommendations

Endothelial dysfunction is closely linked to high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular risk. Management of high blood pressure, a critical factor in endothelial risk, requires frequent self-monitoring and a multifaceted approach, including taking blood pressure鈥搇owering medications, making lifestyle changes, and watching your diet and nutritional intake. Life Extension recommends people strive for an optimal blood pressure of 115/75 mm Hg.

Because many of the nutrients that lower blood pressure act along the same metabolic pathways as blood pressure鈥搇owering medications, it is important to let your physician know which supplements you are taking before beginning conventional blood pressure medication.

Nutrients that may help lower blood pressure include:

C12 casein peptide鈥?00 to 400 milligrams (mg)/day

Grape seed extract鈥?50 to 300 mg/day

Pomegranate extract鈥?0 to 100 mg/day

Arjuna bark extract鈥?50 to 500 mg twice a day

Calcium鈥?200 to 1500 mg/day

CoQ10鈥?00 to 300 mg/day

Garlic鈥?200 mg/day

Hawthorn berry extract鈥?40 mg twice a day between meals

L-arginine鈥?000 mg three times a day between meals

Magnesium鈥?00 mg/day (or more), based on maximum bowel tolerance and hypotensive effect; take the most at night before bed

Olive leaf extract鈥?00 mg/day

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)鈥?400 mg/day of EPA and 1000 mg/day of DHA

Potassium鈥?9 mg/day (or more) when instructed to do so by a health care professional, based on blood test results

Soy protein鈥?7 to 34 grams (g)/day

Taurine鈥?000 to 6000 mg/day

Vitamin C鈥? to 3 g/day

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol succinate)鈥?00 International Units (IU)/day with about 200 mg of gamma-tocopherol

Link to a very good protocol below.

Good Luck!!!
Going on a Vegan diet will help lower your blood pressure along with exercise. However, you need to start your exercise very, very slowly, otherwise it will increase your BP too quickly. People do not have health problems on a Vegan diet, but eating a high meat diet will cause all sorts of problems. check out If you can get her DVD, she explains in detail why eating meat and other animal by-products cause all sorts of health problems. She has her facts documented, and no she is not part of PETA.

Depending upon what causes your high BP will depend upon how you go about controlling it. Do you also have high cholesterol? Often, those two travel together! lol If you are on prescription medicines, then no, you do not want to use herbal products as that would be double-dosing yourself. Natural ways of controlling your BP would be to utilize yoga exercises to help control the body's reaction to stressful situations that would increase your BP. Also, meditation and massage therapy.

Either way, you really should begin some kind of exercise program. Have you tried the 10K Step program? If not, then monitor your actual steps during the day, and then add 250 steps per week until your reach 10K - a - day. This is considered active. Most active people do not have high BP or cholesterol.
most alternative meds do no work well, if your blood pressure is ';out of control'; and very high, prescription drugs are the safest way to control it. if its just a little high you might be able to get it down 10-15 points with a low salt diet, excercise, and weight loss (if overweight)
It sounds like you are already taking meds for hypertension. If so, then you really can't start any type of herbal meds at the same time.

However, you can eat more garlic and less salt, lose weight if you are overweight, quit smoking if you smoke, and lower your stress levels by either exercise or meditation or both.

You also don't say whether your hypertension is secondary to something else, such as kidney failure, blocked arteries, or hyperthyroidism.

You must go to your naturopath or family health practitioner who knows your history and can come up with a reasonable plan to get your BP back under control and then you must follow their instructions. There are no ';instant cures'; in this world, unfortunately.
Be caerfull alternative meds can push up your blood pressure
Eat raw celery,no salt. several sticks a day for a while monatoring your BP.
did you ever try garlic?

how about lemon grass juice and ginger ale...

my dad always drink that to prevent his bp out of control....maybe this will help you too..

but hey,did you control you fat, too much salt intake?
I was on zimstat for about 5 years and I complain about several things that were bothering me and found out that they were 2 of the side effects, I have stopped taking the medication, and now take olive leaf capsules and my doctor said 'carry on what I am doing because my blood pressure is under control'.
You need to go to the Dr. and let him try to get you under control. High blood pressure can cause a lot of problems. You need to go A.S.A.p.

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