Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What other ways, beside medicine, can you control your blood pressure.?

I think hany S posted an INTERESTING Link, a few years back, I did some Research, and Found a source, that Promotes 'NATURAL CURES'; and same source SLAMS the ';Drug Companies'; such as AMA Recommendations of all sorts of Remedies, which Actully just MASK the Problem, or offer a TEMPORARY Relief. To Me, This is Corporate America GREED. No One is Cured, cause if One Pill Worked as a CURE for various Ailments, The Drug Companys (Pushers) would go out of Biz.. anyway I suggest this fellow who has written books on Natural Cures.. His Name is: KEVIN TRUDEAU ... (check Him Out) Also, this Link/Video is VERY Important and URGENT. !! PLEASE.. PLEASE... go here %26gt;%26gt;鈥?/a>What other ways, beside medicine, can you control your blood pressure.?
do more physical activity. it taes longer for it to regulate but in the long run it will workWhat other ways, beside medicine, can you control your blood pressure.?
eating the right foods and exercising
Learning how to relax from stress. These techniques can work wonders in bringing down your blood pressure in real time.
1) Regular exercise with your heart rate in the 'target zone' i.e. you're working hard enough to get out of breath.

2) Reducing the amount of sodium (from salt etc) that you eat, and switching to potassium salt (its called LoSalt here).

3) Controlling your stress levels.

4) Sleeping in a dark, quiet room (studies have shown people who live or work near airports and flight paths have higher blood pressure).

5) A health check-up to make sure high blood pressure isn't due to an underlying problem e.g. kidney problems, hormone problems or pain which can all increase blood pressure.
Have natural remedy try it
weight is a major factor. also, the right foods. a low fat, low

sodium diet is needed. also, fluids are important. remember,

your kidneys regulate your blood pressure. also, reducing

stress in your life. IF YOU SMOKE, STOP NOW--IF HAVING





another thing, know your family history. does high blood

pressure run in your family? what about diabetes? good luck

and live healthy.
Biofeedback, salt restrictive diets, weight loss (even as little as 10%), quitting smoking if that's an issue, limiting intake of caffeine (in coffee, tea and sodas) and alcohol. The last of these may be the most important, yet doctors often fail to emphasize the importance of learning how to relax the involuntary nervous system, which controls the tone of blood vessels. Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and as I've previously mentioned biofeedback training. There is another simple device called RESPeRATE ( that teaches you to lower your blood pressure by changing your breathing patterns. I'm not sure how effective this last method is at reducing or controling your blood pressure. Trying a combination of several methods will probably yield the best positive results.
Meditation, Pranayama breathing techniques, Diet, Exercise and maybe changing jobs.

My blood pressure was 220/109 and Cholesterol was 230+

I had to take all kinds of medications that made me feel worse and even with medication the blood pressure was uncontrollable. Sooooo

1. I quit my job in computers and Corporate America, moved to alternative healthcare (Reiki Teacher)Teach part time.

2. Changed to a very healthy diet, eliminating fat and increasing veggies and fruit. (Dr. A. Weil's recipes)

3. Exercise twice a week for two hours

4. Do Yoga on the floor while I'm watching TV

Now I'm on a very slight medication.

My blood pressure is 117 over 75 and Cholesterol is below 200. I'm wearing Size 10 and I'm over 60鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

plenty more sites to view on google lol
Exercise is a great idea.Lots of folks here recommended lowering sodium intake.That's great, but keep in mind that your heart is a sodium and potassium pump.Gotta have both for it to work properly.Switch to a good quality sea salt.Eat lots of celery, green peppers and cucumbers (all high in natural sodium) and make sure you are getting enough potassium every day.There is a link between high blood pressure and potassium deficiency.
I personally don't believe in any blood pressure or cholesterol medicines. They do a great job at lowering the number on the test but have never been proven to lengthen anybody's life expectancy or prevent heart attacks or strokes.

In fact, a major study just came out which said your arteries clog up twice as fast with a popular combination of anti-cholesterol medications - which they are still prescribing like mad.

The only way to lower blood pressure and cholesterol is the old fashioned way - exercise more and eat less garbage! Very simple! Lose 20 pounds and your cholesterol and BP will go down, and THAT'S been absolutely proven to lengthen your life!
Healthy diet and exercise..
Exercise is one of the best. My mtn bike and I are now inseparable and I get really cool endorphins kicking in around the 15 mile marque.

But you can also take garlic, the more the merrier. You can also get garlic tablets and capsules ... try for the odor-controlled brands, they will dissolve deeper in your digestive system and decrease the amount on your breath.

Taurine is also a good BP controller.

You can get a catalog from and in it you will find a section on blood pressure control that lists ALL of the vitamins that affect it. Plus, Swanson's quality and content are very good. And their prices are GREAT! Shipping is quick and the people there are very caring and helpful and you'll have a great experience. You can access their catalog online too at the address above

Good luck.


Peace y'all
get a kitty :)
Don't get to stressed out. Or you could work out.

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