Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How can i control the feelings of pressure?

People have always told me i've got a ';perfect'; figure. Now i personally have NEVER believed this and about 2 years ago i developed an eating disorder, trying to live up to these expectations. Now i've tryed to get myself back on track (i still feel fat, dont want to eat, check all calorie content- but i DO eat and thats the most important thing) I'm currently 125pounds at 5'7, and i found out we have non uniform day next week thurday- and guess what? I'm on this site asking stupid questions like ';how to lose weight in 10 days'; This is not why i put myself through hell with recovery, but i dont know how to control this- i feel like im slipping back and i dont want to, because all i want to do is be happy! Please give me some advice on how to control this. P.s: i didnt go through proffesional recovery i just sorta ';did it myself'; which is why its not fully gone i guess. - oh and im 15How can i control the feelings of pressure?

Congratulations on choosing to ask for help for yourself instead of continuing down the long road of diets and eating disorders!

The most important part of recovery from an eating disorder (I'm a 20 year veteran counselor) is to establish in your heart that you are a good person. You are NOT your body.

One exercise I use to do when I facilitated adolescent groups on this topic was to have the young women draw their body. We use to have long art/paper rolls and we use to literally outline their bodies. Take a piece of paper and draw a simple body to represent yours. Then you would begin to write or associate words with your body. Use different colors and write over different parts of your body any words or descriptions that come up as you do the exercise.

Pay close attention to your heart area and look inside to acknowledge all your greatest qualities as a young woman. List them all here. Obviously others have told you about your body, but I'm certain they've also told or reflected many other positive aspects to you, about you that are wonderful. Write these qualities in.

It's certainly okay to have a beautiful body, but it's even more important to know who you really are behind that body and practice reminding yourself of all those good qualitites.

I hope your self-esteem can grow in using this exercise.

Dave Turo-ShieldsHow can i control the feelings of pressure?
Two things will help you beat this.

1) Set a schedule of eating for yourself. Six small meals a day is best but do at least 3.

2) Meditate. If your religious, take a verse that matches youe situation and meditate on that. Like Phil. 4:13. Otherwise pick a phrase that makes you feel better or an occurance that made you feel good about yourself. Meditating can really strip the tension out of your body.

Hope this helps!
Your story breaks my heart I am 41 and going thru the same thing for too long. I pray you and I and all of US will find a way out before it's too late....

I will be looking forward to rading what advice you get. Myabe it will help me too.
Don't look in the mirror so much .
Just try and carry on eating, if you find this very difficult then I suggest that you ring a helpline to help you x
What ever you focus on expands. REMEMBRT THIS! It will help you understand why you get what you get. You need to look at the future with a positive outlook. Not with a negative outlook. Imagine you set sail and know where you want to go but dont know the way... as long as you now where you are going and look at the problems as temporary obsicles, you will get there. I can give free tips. 8)...

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