Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I have high blood pressure (controlled) and lately I'm feeling flushed and kind of light headed. Why?

I agree with pinksocks with an additional comment. Two nights in a row when I got up, I felt so dizzy it scared me! Finally, I realized it must have been from too much sugar consumption those two days. I was on a chocolate binge and normally do not eat much chocolate. Try to think if you've had anything different in your diet lately or if you smoke, have you been inhaling more deeply? The only other thing I can think of is the medication you're on if that's what you mean by ';controlled';. Make sure you notify your doctor, maybe he can recommend a different medication for you.I have high blood pressure (controlled) and lately I'm feeling flushed and kind of light headed. Why?
Tell your doctor.

He/she may want to adjust your medication, or change it out.I have high blood pressure (controlled) and lately I'm feeling flushed and kind of light headed. Why?
I know someone with these same sympotoms, she asked a doctor and his best suggestion was that as soon as you feel dizzy/light headed; LIE DOWN! Completly straight on the ground, a bed, or couch. Wait there for a few minutes, this is also a sign of blood not reaching some parts of your body, say your head and toes possibly.

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