Sunday, January 24, 2010

How to control High blood pressure?

hypertensionHow to control High blood pressure?
Change of lifestyle by controlling your weight, proper diet and regular exercise.

You can lower your blood pressure with the following lifestyle modifications:

Losing weight if you are overweight or obese.

Quitting smoking.

Eating a healthy diet, including the DASH diet (eating more fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products, less saturated and total fat).

Reducing the amount of sodium in your diet to 2,300 milligrams (about 1 teaspoon of salt) a day or less.

Getting regular aerobic exercise (such as brisk walking at least 30 minutes a day, several days a week).

Limiting alcohol to two drinks a day for men, one drink a day for women.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, these measures enhance the effectiveness of antihypertensive medicationsHow to control High blood pressure?
Go for a healthy morning walk. Take low salt and oil food. Take plenty of water and fruits. Sleep for minimum 8 hrs. Take food in proper timings. Avoid watching tv for more hours and avoid Tensions.
Go see your doctor and

they should prescribe some medicine for it.

Drink lots of water, cut down on the salt intake,

and be healthy.
You need to get medication from the doctors.

Stop smoking if you do and eat healthily.

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