Friday, January 22, 2010

How to lower blood pressure? And what type of food does he need to eat in order to control his pressure?

exercise and weight control are really important as is controlling stress and relaxing

low fat dairy products are ok and have been reported to lower BP

Lots of fruit and fibre and drink plenty of water

keep alcohol and caffeine down - but you can have some, dont smoke!

keep saturated fats down - trim fat off meat before cooking and dont eat chicken skin etcHow to lower blood pressure? And what type of food does he need to eat in order to control his pressure?
exercise, exercise excerise.

then low sodium foods

but you should probably consult a physicianHow to lower blood pressure? And what type of food does he need to eat in order to control his pressure?
The main thing to do to help reduce your blood pressure is to avoid salt and keep caffeine to a minimum.
take garlic it will help with the blood pressure and go to the library for books on healthy eating
A chunk of garlic. garlic lowers your preasure. donating blood also good if your not religious though.
In recent clinical trials a new whole food supplement was found to lower blood pressure and heart rate. Although the test was specifically designed to test for this natural tonics effects on inflammation, it showed significant benefit in many other health areas. More info can be found at . Be sure to see the 11 minute introduction video by Peggy Fleming.
Fiber, wheat, low fat milk, fruits, veggies, lots of water, and is good and so is chicken and oat meal too
Consult his doctor right away.

He is the only one that can tell you the types of food he can eat to treat his low blood pressure.

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